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5 steps to finding a new job

ON December 1, 2017

Searching and applying for a new job can be just as demanding as a full-time job itself. However, getting the right job is crucial to making your next career move a good step. Finding a new job can consist of many different options. However, here are 5 simple steps you can follow to ensure you are on the right path to getting that perfect job. 

Establish career goals 

Want to be satisfied with your work? Setting yourself career goals will set you up to follow a clear journey to achieve them. Before you go on your job search, you should define short-term and long-term objectives that a company or job can achieve for you. It’s very useful to have this mindset when you go to job interviews.  
  •  Future. Ask yourself, where do I see myself in five years from now? and what next step would help you get there.
  •   Research. Look at career guidance websites, go to the library, use your college placement office. These resources can really help you to decide what you need to do in the job searching process.
  •   Previous Work. List the tasks and activities that you have most enjoyed, regardless of whether they were paid or unpaid. Then list what you have disliked from work activities. Here you can establish what you want from a job.
  •    Size of Workplace. Get a sense of what size workplace you would like to work for. Small, medium, or large? flexible or tightly structured? Selecting the right work environment is just as important as the job position.
  •    Working hours & Working Conditions. Think about what the job is asking from you. Is it long working hours? Does it involve traveling? Do you have to work weekends? Think about what you would and prefer not to do in a job role and scale down what you want from a job. 

Update your CV

Your CV speaks volumes about you and this is why you need to make sure your CV relates to where you are now.  
  • Attract. According to business2community, the average time spent by recruiters looking at a resume is between 5 to 7 seconds. With this being said, make sure that key and interesting information is at the top of your CV because this is the first thing a potential employer looks at.
  • CV Quality. The quality of your CV is important. Double check grammar and spellings to make sure everything makes sense. 

Make sure you are using all job searching methods 

Nowadays, there are many different ways to find a job. The job searching options that are out there really do help when you use more than one method to find the right job. 
  • Job Boards. Online job boards are a great way to find a job. It requires minimum effort with a good result. Many job boards also have a job alert options, where they send jobs to you.
  •  Social Media. Searching for jobs on social media is very common these days. It’s a platform that many recruiters and companies use to promote jobs. They do this because social media has a big reach amongst many demographics. 
  •  Network. Your own network can be a good place to start to search for a new job. Over the years you probably have gained a good social network from work and education groups. Employers today encourage people to recommend their own friends for available job positions. So, there might be job opportunities that your social network knows about or can recommend you to.

Research companies 

Knowing what company you are applying for or having an interview with is essential. Many businesses have well-known structures and work life that you may really enjoy. On the other hand, some may not. By reviewing the companies work ethics you can conclude if you would like to work for that company.
  • Research The Company. Research into the company’s products, services, and work statement. This will help a lot in the interview stage because you will be able to answer the questions about the company correctly. It will give off a good impression because it will show you are interested in the company. Also, it will allow you to make up your mind if what the company does is something you can see yourself being apart of. 
  • Employee Reviews. Look into previous employee’s experiences and reviews to get a feel for what the company is like for the workers. You can do this by Google searching for reviews or using the website Glassdoor. The website is purely a place where you can get inside scoop on companies, with employee reviews and personalised salary tools. 

Perfect your interview skills

If you haven’t been for a job interview in a long time then brushing up on your interview skills would be a good idea. What you say and what you do is going to be judged on whether you get the job or not. The interviewing process can be a nervous experience. 
  • Planning. Before the interview, it is good to plan the journey. Lateness isn’t taken well with employers and doesn’t give off a good impression. Just by turning up to the interview 5 10 minutes early shows you are keen and good at timekeeping. These are traits that all employers look for when interviewing a person and it’s a good quality to have.
  • Practice. Think about what sort of questions the employer may ask you and think about what you would answer. Being prepared with questions they may ask you may calm your nerves and it allows you to go into the interview prepared.
  • Psychology. Many people don’t think about their body language, but it is something that an employer takes into consideration. According to the undercover recruiter, 67% of bosses say that failure to make eye contact is a common nonverbal mistake in an interview.
If you give finding a new job your full attention and follow these steps, you will be able to find your perfect job soon. Start today on JobsTrackR and search through 50,000 jobs based all around the UK. 


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