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Searching for a new job can be somewhat difficult, and you may need career advice. Our career guidance page provides job resources and blogs with job search tips and more, to help with your job hunt or current job position.

Career Tools

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CV Builder

Composing a CV can be difficult. However, with editable CV templates you can easily create and then download the document. Why don’t you use…

Cover Letter Templates

Cover Letters are as important as your CV. Knowing what to say is the first step.

Career Blog

What are the most popular jobs within the IT industry?

IT jobs are on the rise in the job market because of the advancement of technology in recent years. With the rise of the…

Build Your CV for Success With our Free CV Builder

Why should I have a CV? You may ask. Well, it’s a marketing tool for yourself. Your CV is the first thing that a potential…

Best Places in the UK to Study Accountancy and Finance

Are you thinking about doing an accountancy & finance degree? If so then these are the top 5 universities to study accountancy and finance…

Job Searching & Employment Tips for Millennials

There is no question that the job market for Millennials is different to any other generation. Millennials are a young generation and they do…

Job Searching Tips and Advice for Gen Xers

Generation X was viewed as the hardest working generation according to a survey from Workfront. They are also the first generation that made it…